Here you will find everything that I create for Blender 2.8x using the “Cycles” Engine. Most, but not all, will function on “Eevee” as well. Just try and see :).

To download a material, just select an image and then click on the name at the bottom. That is the link to the zip-file you would like to download.

A tip; Most materials are built as planes for the X,Y axis, so if using any of it in the Z-axis you either rotate the object or change the outputs from “Y” in the node tree to “Z”.

Still using 2.79? Then you can in most cases download the nodes and then try to “append” it in to a 2.79. If I have not used any 2.8 specific nodes, then it should work.

(Feeling generous? Then I will be more then happy if you like to support me and my work at: